
Hometown Care with Love and Respect

Upcoming Events at St. Joseph’s Villa and Court

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Winter 2019


St. Joseph's Villa Chapel Renovation Fund

Our chapel is enjoyed by many on a daily basis and we would like to make some upgrades. Below is a wish list for the project. If you would like to donate one of the items or make a monetary donation please let us know.
Texture and wall paint—$800
Floor Tile for Sanctuary— $3,500
Hanging Sanctuary Lamp $1550 or Wall Sconce $600 or Wall Sconce $500
Tabernacle Stand—style and price to be determined
Small Table for water and wine—style and price to be determined
CD Player for sound system
Ceiling Tiles
New Candles—donated Thank you!
Updated Lectionary—donated Thank you!
Wireless microphone—donated Thank you!